Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Apartheid- whites agains blacks

The south African Apartheid began in 1948, it was designed to oppress the rights of blacks while maintaining a society of white supremacy. The idea of separation among races didn't originate in South Africa. Even in our own country, the American natives were forced to live separately in reservations in the 1850's.The idea that blacks were lesser human beings was the common thought due to the slave trade.

Was there a valid reason for the blacks to be separated from the whites? There would only be a valid reason if one truly believed that one race of
people were superior to another race. In South Africa, another name for apartheid could be white greed. South Africa had the land rich for farming and mines rich in diamonds. The native Africans had the rights to both. The whites wad all of the power and all of the riches. Also, the existence of a growing black peasant agricultural group raised the cost of black labor to white farmers. Farmers used political means to separate blacks from the land and created a group of cheap black labor. Mine owners also followed in the same way so they could enjoy a cheap black labor market. One way to force the issue, was to make the African owners pay taxes that they could not afford. With their inability to pay the taxes, they were forced from their own businesses and their own lands. They had no choice but to work for the whites in order to survive and try to provide a life for their families.

Did the alienation of the blacks affect how they felt about themselves? Did they grow to doubt their own worth by the dominance of the white? Rules of apartheid made the native Africans
foreigners in their own land. They were forced to live in separate states called “homelands”. To enter South Africa from their “homelands”, they were required to carry a passport to gain entrance to their own country. They had lost their nationality. Apartheid was successful in keeping the races separate or apart.

As in any race, once oppressed, they will eventually rise up against their oppressors. In South Africa, this was no exception. It was against the law to protest for or against apartheid, but slowly the movement began. A leader emerged. His name was Nelson Mandela. To be successful, a cause must have a leader, someone to guide the process to completion. Mandela was instrumental in writing laws regarding the redistribution of land, trade union rights, free education for both children and adults and freedom to maintain their own culture. The main thing that made Mandela stand out was how he always preached for peaceful resistance with the avoidance
of violence at all costs. Mandela was ultimately arrested and served a 26 year sentence for his part in ending Apartheid in South Africa. On his release, instead of quietly going on with his life, he traveled the country calling for the international community to maintain its sanctions against South Africa. "I have carried the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. I hope to live to see the achievement of that ideal. But if need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die," he shouted. Did the whites have the right to institute a policy of Apartheid? The answer is a resounding, “NO”. No one race is superior to another. No one race should be made to be subservient to another. No race should be displaced in their own country due to greed and the false belief of superiority.

Apartheid started in1948 and ended in 1994. by 1985 western nations had decided to protest against the racial policies in South Africa by boycotting certain products from South Africa. Also they stated to publicly protest against the apartheid. Finally due to all the pressure and economic problems the apartheid ended, but there remains an underlying racism. Guarded beliefs are still silently felt. What the blacks had to give up was very difficult to regain. It is still a step by step process. It is a work in progress. It is a universal hope that what was taken away can be restored. The good in mankind wants this as a successful end. Unfortunately, the racial issue is alive and well in South Africa. It is just not front headline news, but it is there, nevertheless.


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